What is Hadith Hasan?
The meaning of this study is the second part of the accepted classification of news, namely Li Dzâtihi Hasan (Hasan independently).
Perhaps the most we've ever read or heard of this term, but not yet know exactly what is meant with it, anyone who first popularized it, any book that contains a lot of discussion about it?
That's what we will try to be concise but dense mengulasnya, God willing.
a. In languages (etymology)
Hasan said (???) is Shifah Musyabbahah from al-husn al-Jamal significance: beauty, beauty.
b. The term (teriminologi)
While the term, there is a difference of opinion among the scholars considering pretensinya hadith are in the middle between the saheeh and Dla'îf. Also, because some of them there are only defines one of the two parts only.
Here are some definitions and definitions of the hadith scholars selected:
1. Definition of al-Khaththâby: namely, "every word that is known exit route, known as the periwayatnya, he is the rotation most of the hadith, and is used by most of the scholars and the majority of scholars of fiqh." (Ma'âlim as-Sunan: I/11)
2. Definition at-Turmudzy: namely, "every hadeeth reported, on isnaad no narrators who accused as a liar, the hadith does not Syâdzdz (odd / conflict with a strong history) and reported more than one such path. He was the one who we think is called with a hasan hadeeth. "(Jami 'at-Turmudzy along with his Sharh, [Tuhfah al-Ahwadzy], the book of al-'Ilal at the end: X/519)
3. Definition of Ibn Hajar: namely, "Khabar al-Ahad is narrated by a 'fair, has a memory (rote), isnaad is serialized, there is no' illat and Syâdzdz not, then this is called Li Dzâtih Saheeh (Saheeh independently). If, memory (rote) was less, then it is called Li Dzâtih Hasan (Hasan independently). "(An-Nukhbah and Syarahnya: 29)
Shaikh Dr.Mahmûd ath-Thahhân commented, "In my opinion, though according to Ibn Hajar Hasan hadeeth is saheeh hadeeth is lacking in the memory / rote periwayatnya. Alias less (stable) memory / memory. This is the best definition for Hasan. While the definition of al-Khaththâby lot of criticism against him, while a defined at-Turmudzy definition is one of the two parts of the Hadeeth Hasan, namely Li Ghairih Hasan (Hasan because of the other history that support it). He rightly defines Dzâtih because Hasan Hasan Li Li Ghairih basically a weak hadith (Dla'îf) which rose to the position of Hasan because it helped by the many pathways periwayatannya. "
Selected Definitions
This definition is based on what was delivered by Ibn Hajar in the definition above, namely:
"Hadith which continued isnaad, narrated by narrators who 'fair, which is less memory (hafalannya), from narrators semisalnya until the last point (the last link), there were no irregularities (Syudzûdz) or' illat in it."
In arguing with him, ruling the same as saheeh hadeeth from the side despite his strength, he was under hadeeth Saheeh. Hence, all jurists make it as evidence and practice it. Likewise, the majority of the hadith scholars and Usul making it as evidence except a strange opinion of scholars known as hard (al-Mutasyaddidûn). While scholars are known to be more loose (al-Mutasâhilûn) even include them into the type of hadeeth such as al-Hakim, and Ibn Ibn Hibban Khuzaimah but accompanied by their opinion that he was under the previously described quality Saheeh. "(Ar-Râwy Tadrîb: I / 160)
Hadith issued by the at-Turmudzy, he said, "Qutaibah told us, he said, Ja'far bin Sulaiman adl-Dluba'iy told us, from Abu 'Imran al-Jawny, from Abu Bakr bin Abu Musa al- Asy'ariy, he said, "I have heard my father off near the enemy says, 'the Prophet Muhammad., said," Indeed the gates of Paradise is under the auspices of the swords ... "(Sunan at-Turmudzy, chapter virtue Jihad: V/300)
This Hadith is Hasan for four narrators in isnaad these are people who can be trusted (Tsiqât) except Ja'far bin Sulaiman adl-Dlub'iy which is a hadith narrators Hasan-as quoted by Ibn Hajar in the book Tahdzîb at- Tahdzîb. Therefore, the degree / quality is down from to Hasan Saheeh.
As Sahih hadith which has several levels that therefore one can hadeeth different from the others, then so is the Hadeeth Hasan, who has several levels.
In this case, ad-Dzahaby making two levels:
First, (which is the highest level), namely: a history of Bahz bin Hakim from his father, from his grandfather, a history of 'Amr ibn Syu'aib from his father, from his grandfather; Ibn Ishaq from at-Tîmiy. And like that of the hadith is said to be hadeeth Saheeh hadith but below the level of Saheeh.
Second, another hadith the disputed to-Hasan's and to-Dla'îf her, like the hadith of al-Harith bin 'Abdullah,' Asim bin Dlumrah and Hajjaj bin Artha'ah, and like them.
Speech Level Ulama Hadith, "Hadith which
Saheeh isnaad "or" Hasan isnaad "
1. Speech hadith scholars, "This is a saheeh hadeeth isnaad" is below the quality of their saying, "This is the hadeeth Saheeh."
2. Likewise, their saying, "This is a Hasan hadith isnaad" is below the quality of their saying, "This is a Hasan hadeeth" because he could be isnaad Hasan Saheeh or without Matan (editorial / text) his due Syudzûdz or 'illat.
A hadith scholars when saying, "This is a Sahih hadith," it means he has given assurance to us that the keshahihan five conditions have been met in this hadith. Meanwhile, when he said, "This is a saheeh hadeeth isnaad," then it means he has given to us will guarantee the fulfillment of three conditions keshahihan, namely: sanad serialized, justice of the narrators and the strength of memory / rote (Dlabth) her, while the absence of Syudzûdz or 'illat on hadith, he could not guarantee it because there is a second check this further.
However, if a Hafiz (penghafal many hadith), which held his words only say, "This is a saheeh hadeeth isnaad," without mentioning 'illat (illness / injury reasons the weight of a hadith); the opinion that appears (outwardly) is also Saheeh matannya home because his words is that there is no 'illat there and also no Syudzûdz.
Meaning Speech at-Turmudzy And Scholars
Other, "Hasan Saheeh hadeeth"
Implicitly, that such expression is a bit confusing because of less degree than Hasan hadeeth saheeh hadeeth, so how can be combined between them, but rank differently?. To answer this question, the scholars give varying answers on the meaning of the utterance at-Turmudzy. The best answer is that stated by Ibn Hajar and approved by the as-Suyûthy, summarized are:
1. If a hadith has two chains (a transmission line / chain of narration) or more, then the meaning is "He is Hasan when viewed from side chains and Saheeh when viewed from the other side of the chain."
2. If he has only one chain only, then its meaning is "Hasan Saheeh according to a group of scholars and others by a group of scholars."
As if Ibn Hajar want to imply the existence of differences in perception among the scholars of the law against hadith like this or there is no law that can be amplified from one of both.
The classification of Hadith-Hadith Had Done By
Imam al-Baghawy In the Book "Mashâbîh as-Sunnah"
In his book, "Mashâbîh as-Sunnah," the imam of al-Baghawy insert a special term, that is hinted to saheeh hadiths contained in the book of ash-Shahîhain or one of them with the phrase, "authentic" and the hadiths which are in in the four books of Sunan (Sunan an-Nasa `iy, Sunan Abi Da` ud, Sunan at-Turmdzy and Sunan Ibn Majah) with the phrase, "Hasan". And this is not aligned with isitlah a general term used by the scholars of hadith because in the books of Sunan, there are also hadith is authentic, Hasan, Dla'îf and Munkar.
Hence, Ibn al-Shalâh and an-Nawawy reminded of it. From that, should a reader of this book ("Mashâbîh as-Sunnah") to know the specific term was used by Imam al-Baghawy in his book that when commenting on the hadiths with the greeting, "Sahih" or "Hasan."
Books in which
Can be found Hadeeth Hasan
The scholars have not been writing books separately (separate) stating Hadeeth Hasan just as they did against the saheeh hadeeth in the books separately (alone), but there are few books in which many found Hadeeth Hasan. Among the most famous are:
1. Book Jami 'at-Turmudzy or better known as Sunan at-Turmudzy. This book is a parent in the familiar word for at-Turmudzy Hasan was the first to proclaim this term in his book and one of the most offensive.
But that should be given a note, that there are many manuscripts for his book, which contains the phrase to him, "Hasan Saheeh", so therefore, a student of knowledge must pay attention to this by selecting the text that has been ditahqiq (analyzed) and was confirmed with the original manuscripts (manuscript) that can be trusted.
2. Book of Sunan Abi Da `ud. The author of this book, Abu Da `ud mention this in the treatise (letter) was to the inhabitants of Mecca that he mentioned the hadeeth Saheeh and that seems or looks like her in it. If there were weakness of profound, he does not explain while dikomentarinya, then the hadith that he deserves. So based on that, if we get one word in it that he does not explain the weakness and no one terpecayapun scholars who judge Saheeh, then she Hasan by Abu Da `ud.
3. Book of Sunan ad-Dâruquthny. He has a lot of say so in writing on this in his book.
(SOURCE: Book Taysîr Musthalah work of Dr. al-Hadith. Mahmud ath-Thahhân, p. 45-50)
The meaning of this study is the second part of the accepted classification of news, namely Li Dzâtihi Hasan (Hasan independently).
Perhaps the most we've ever read or heard of this term, but not yet know exactly what is meant with it, anyone who first popularized it, any book that contains a lot of discussion about it?
That's what we will try to be concise but dense mengulasnya, God willing.
a. In languages (etymology)
Hasan said (???) is Shifah Musyabbahah from al-husn al-Jamal significance: beauty, beauty.
b. The term (teriminologi)
While the term, there is a difference of opinion among the scholars considering pretensinya hadith are in the middle between the saheeh and Dla'îf. Also, because some of them there are only defines one of the two parts only.
Here are some definitions and definitions of the hadith scholars selected:
1. Definition of al-Khaththâby: namely, "every word that is known exit route, known as the periwayatnya, he is the rotation most of the hadith, and is used by most of the scholars and the majority of scholars of fiqh." (Ma'âlim as-Sunan: I/11)
2. Definition at-Turmudzy: namely, "every hadeeth reported, on isnaad no narrators who accused as a liar, the hadith does not Syâdzdz (odd / conflict with a strong history) and reported more than one such path. He was the one who we think is called with a hasan hadeeth. "(Jami 'at-Turmudzy along with his Sharh, [Tuhfah al-Ahwadzy], the book of al-'Ilal at the end: X/519)
3. Definition of Ibn Hajar: namely, "Khabar al-Ahad is narrated by a 'fair, has a memory (rote), isnaad is serialized, there is no' illat and Syâdzdz not, then this is called Li Dzâtih Saheeh (Saheeh independently). If, memory (rote) was less, then it is called Li Dzâtih Hasan (Hasan independently). "(An-Nukhbah and Syarahnya: 29)
Shaikh Dr.Mahmûd ath-Thahhân commented, "In my opinion, though according to Ibn Hajar Hasan hadeeth is saheeh hadeeth is lacking in the memory / rote periwayatnya. Alias less (stable) memory / memory. This is the best definition for Hasan. While the definition of al-Khaththâby lot of criticism against him, while a defined at-Turmudzy definition is one of the two parts of the Hadeeth Hasan, namely Li Ghairih Hasan (Hasan because of the other history that support it). He rightly defines Dzâtih because Hasan Hasan Li Li Ghairih basically a weak hadith (Dla'îf) which rose to the position of Hasan because it helped by the many pathways periwayatannya. "
Selected Definitions
This definition is based on what was delivered by Ibn Hajar in the definition above, namely:
"Hadith which continued isnaad, narrated by narrators who 'fair, which is less memory (hafalannya), from narrators semisalnya until the last point (the last link), there were no irregularities (Syudzûdz) or' illat in it."
In arguing with him, ruling the same as saheeh hadeeth from the side despite his strength, he was under hadeeth Saheeh. Hence, all jurists make it as evidence and practice it. Likewise, the majority of the hadith scholars and Usul making it as evidence except a strange opinion of scholars known as hard (al-Mutasyaddidûn). While scholars are known to be more loose (al-Mutasâhilûn) even include them into the type of hadeeth such as al-Hakim, and Ibn Ibn Hibban Khuzaimah but accompanied by their opinion that he was under the previously described quality Saheeh. "(Ar-Râwy Tadrîb: I / 160)
Hadith issued by the at-Turmudzy, he said, "Qutaibah told us, he said, Ja'far bin Sulaiman adl-Dluba'iy told us, from Abu 'Imran al-Jawny, from Abu Bakr bin Abu Musa al- Asy'ariy, he said, "I have heard my father off near the enemy says, 'the Prophet Muhammad., said," Indeed the gates of Paradise is under the auspices of the swords ... "(Sunan at-Turmudzy, chapter virtue Jihad: V/300)
This Hadith is Hasan for four narrators in isnaad these are people who can be trusted (Tsiqât) except Ja'far bin Sulaiman adl-Dlub'iy which is a hadith narrators Hasan-as quoted by Ibn Hajar in the book Tahdzîb at- Tahdzîb. Therefore, the degree / quality is down from to Hasan Saheeh.
As Sahih hadith which has several levels that therefore one can hadeeth different from the others, then so is the Hadeeth Hasan, who has several levels.
In this case, ad-Dzahaby making two levels:
First, (which is the highest level), namely: a history of Bahz bin Hakim from his father, from his grandfather, a history of 'Amr ibn Syu'aib from his father, from his grandfather; Ibn Ishaq from at-Tîmiy. And like that of the hadith is said to be hadeeth Saheeh hadith but below the level of Saheeh.
Second, another hadith the disputed to-Hasan's and to-Dla'îf her, like the hadith of al-Harith bin 'Abdullah,' Asim bin Dlumrah and Hajjaj bin Artha'ah, and like them.
Speech Level Ulama Hadith, "Hadith which
Saheeh isnaad "or" Hasan isnaad "
1. Speech hadith scholars, "This is a saheeh hadeeth isnaad" is below the quality of their saying, "This is the hadeeth Saheeh."
2. Likewise, their saying, "This is a Hasan hadith isnaad" is below the quality of their saying, "This is a Hasan hadeeth" because he could be isnaad Hasan Saheeh or without Matan (editorial / text) his due Syudzûdz or 'illat.
A hadith scholars when saying, "This is a Sahih hadith," it means he has given assurance to us that the keshahihan five conditions have been met in this hadith. Meanwhile, when he said, "This is a saheeh hadeeth isnaad," then it means he has given to us will guarantee the fulfillment of three conditions keshahihan, namely: sanad serialized, justice of the narrators and the strength of memory / rote (Dlabth) her, while the absence of Syudzûdz or 'illat on hadith, he could not guarantee it because there is a second check this further.
However, if a Hafiz (penghafal many hadith), which held his words only say, "This is a saheeh hadeeth isnaad," without mentioning 'illat (illness / injury reasons the weight of a hadith); the opinion that appears (outwardly) is also Saheeh matannya home because his words is that there is no 'illat there and also no Syudzûdz.
Meaning Speech at-Turmudzy And Scholars
Other, "Hasan Saheeh hadeeth"
Implicitly, that such expression is a bit confusing because of less degree than Hasan hadeeth saheeh hadeeth, so how can be combined between them, but rank differently?. To answer this question, the scholars give varying answers on the meaning of the utterance at-Turmudzy. The best answer is that stated by Ibn Hajar and approved by the as-Suyûthy, summarized are:
1. If a hadith has two chains (a transmission line / chain of narration) or more, then the meaning is "He is Hasan when viewed from side chains and Saheeh when viewed from the other side of the chain."
2. If he has only one chain only, then its meaning is "Hasan Saheeh according to a group of scholars and others by a group of scholars."
As if Ibn Hajar want to imply the existence of differences in perception among the scholars of the law against hadith like this or there is no law that can be amplified from one of both.
The classification of Hadith-Hadith Had Done By
Imam al-Baghawy In the Book "Mashâbîh as-Sunnah"
In his book, "Mashâbîh as-Sunnah," the imam of al-Baghawy insert a special term, that is hinted to saheeh hadiths contained in the book of ash-Shahîhain or one of them with the phrase, "authentic" and the hadiths which are in in the four books of Sunan (Sunan an-Nasa `iy, Sunan Abi Da` ud, Sunan at-Turmdzy and Sunan Ibn Majah) with the phrase, "Hasan". And this is not aligned with isitlah a general term used by the scholars of hadith because in the books of Sunan, there are also hadith is authentic, Hasan, Dla'îf and Munkar.
Hence, Ibn al-Shalâh and an-Nawawy reminded of it. From that, should a reader of this book ("Mashâbîh as-Sunnah") to know the specific term was used by Imam al-Baghawy in his book that when commenting on the hadiths with the greeting, "Sahih" or "Hasan."
Books in which
Can be found Hadeeth Hasan
The scholars have not been writing books separately (separate) stating Hadeeth Hasan just as they did against the saheeh hadeeth in the books separately (alone), but there are few books in which many found Hadeeth Hasan. Among the most famous are:
1. Book Jami 'at-Turmudzy or better known as Sunan at-Turmudzy. This book is a parent in the familiar word for at-Turmudzy Hasan was the first to proclaim this term in his book and one of the most offensive.
But that should be given a note, that there are many manuscripts for his book, which contains the phrase to him, "Hasan Saheeh", so therefore, a student of knowledge must pay attention to this by selecting the text that has been ditahqiq (analyzed) and was confirmed with the original manuscripts (manuscript) that can be trusted.
2. Book of Sunan Abi Da `ud. The author of this book, Abu Da `ud mention this in the treatise (letter) was to the inhabitants of Mecca that he mentioned the hadeeth Saheeh and that seems or looks like her in it. If there were weakness of profound, he does not explain while dikomentarinya, then the hadith that he deserves. So based on that, if we get one word in it that he does not explain the weakness and no one terpecayapun scholars who judge Saheeh, then she Hasan by Abu Da `ud.
3. Book of Sunan ad-Dâruquthny. He has a lot of say so in writing on this in his book.
(SOURCE: Book Taysîr Musthalah work of Dr. al-Hadith. Mahmud ath-Thahhân, p. 45-50)